Places of How to Stop a War
Where the main storyline takes place. It rains near constantly in Lemilu, giving the place an air of misery. One of the main industries in Lemilu is camera and lens-making-- they developed colour photograpy before any other kingdom in Witshire. Lemilu's national colours are cobalt and apple green. Lemilu was one of the four core districts of old Witshire, a designation it is quite proud of. The symbol of Lemilu is an array of four dots, representing the four knights that fought for leadership when it first evolved into a kingdom. The original people of Lemilu mainly hailed from the continent of Nightshire; defectors from the war.
Formally known as Poinsettiara-by-the-Sea. Though it is the largest kingdom in Witshire, Poinsettiara has not claimed any new land in decades. It was colonized by settlers from a far away land, who forced the other colonizers-- the Nightshirians-- as well as the native population out. Legends speak of the first ruler of Poinsettiara, a young prince with a cursed arrowhead buried in his chest. Poinsettiara's main industry is fishing, although they deal in several other industries as well. The national colours are burgundy and cream. Their symbol is a butterfly, a symbol of death, which comes from the name of their special forces, The Butterflies-- a unit of soldiers armed with spears who wiped out the remaining pure Nightshirian population remaining when Old Witshire fell. Poinsettiara is a mass grave.
The last remaining district in Witshire, Carnatlia never evolved into a kingdom when Old Witshire fell. Their main industry is textiles, and they produce approximately 75% of the fabrics for the entire continent. The national colours of Carnatlia are latte brown and rose. It is the smallest subsection of Witshire. Their symbol is a carnation flower.
A mountainous kingdom whose capitol is built within the cave system of the largest mountain. Havender produces textiles as well, but not as much as Carnatlia. Their other main industry is [TBA] and their national colours are indigo and violet. The people of Havender are mainly descended from the native people pushed out of Poinsettiara, as well as some early Dolaterites that migrated upwards. The majority of the population is heavily religious, but believe in the Nightingale (Mienn of Nightshire) rather than the Crowfolk Prophet and Cursed Crown like most of the Witshirian population. Their symbol is a hexagon split into sixths similar to a snowflake.
Dolater is the main producer of fruits for the continent of Witshire, and it is mainly a farming kingdom, however it also has a large mining industry. Dolater's 'Jewel War' spanned multiple decades off and on, and consisted of the populace tasked with mining arguing for their rights and fair share of wealth from the nobility. The national colours of Dolater are black and yellow, and their symbol is a shooting star to represent the shine of the gemstones mined there.
The most private kingdom of Witshire, rumour has it that Satrixe has been developing a new type of projectile weapon; the gun. Satrixe's main industry is mechanics, and they are the first kingdom to develop automobiles and air travel. Though quiet, Satrixe is not outwardly sinister, rather they just prefer to keep to themselves. Along with Lemilu, Poinsettiara, and Dolater, Satrixe was one of the core kingdoms of Old Witshire. Most Satrixians are descended from Nightshirian colonizers, and the final Witshirian empress came from Satrixe. Compared to their Lemiluan neighbours, Satrixians bear a closer resemblance to their Nightshirian ancestors. Their national colours are deep grey and army green, and their symbol is two overlapping triangles, similar to the Nightshirian letter for 'S'.
An island city off of and ruled by Poinsettiara. Firwether famously suffered a tragedy when the large lake in the island's center and their main source of fresh water was accidently poisoned during a bid to make it a mass cure for Blunde's Disease, a serious illness plaguing Witshire at the time. Due to drinking the water, many citizens of Firwether are infertile or give birth to children with bodily differences. Firwether has imported all its water from mainland Poinsettiara ever since.
The other continent. Nightshire is not accessable from Witshire by water, instead it is connected to its sister-continent via a massive labyrinth of constantly shifting tunnels that rarely line up to allow passage. Due to a spell put over it by one of its former Emperors, Nightshire exists under a dome with very small holes to allow pinpricks of light through, giving it the illusion of eternal night. Because of this, it's name evolved to 'Nightshire' over the years from its original Solshire. Its symbol is a four-sided diamond with a stripe through it. The official colours are navy and silver.
An ancient civilization felled by the same Emperor that cursed Nightshire. The original people of Floren were killed in a massive genocide, except for one-- their young prince, Celsus. Floren people dwelled in the labyrinth connecting Nightshire and Witshire, in the deepest parts where they swam in liquid magic. Floren is considered the source of modern magic, known as the Labyrinthus parasite. Floren people mainly dwelled in liquid, seldom coming to the surface, though they could breath air as well and function fine on dry land. Floren magic is capable of causing severe hallucinations and in some cases even completely puppeting other people. Their official colours are maroon, azure, and gold.